Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Putting Poor People to Work: How the Work-First Idea Eroded College Access for the Poor download .pdf by Kathleen M. Shaw

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Today, a college education is increasingly viewed as the gateway to the American Dream—a necessary prerequisite for social mobility. Yet recent policy reforms in the United States effectively steer former welfare recipients away from an education that could further their career prospects, forcing them directly into the workforce where they often find only low-paying jobs with little opportunity for growth. In Putting Poor People to Work, Kathleen Shaw, Sara Goldrick-Rab, Christopher Mazzeo, and Jerry A. Jacobs explore this troubling disconnect between the principles of “work-first” and “college for all.”
Using comprehensive interviews with government officials and sophisticated data from six states over a four year period, Putting Poor People to Work shows how recent changes in public policy have reduced the quantity and quality of education and training available to adults with low incomes. The authors analyze how two policies encouraging work—the federal welfare reform law of 1996 and the Workforce Investment Act of 1998—have made moving people off of public assistance as.
Kathleen M. Shaw Putting Poor People to Work: How the Work-First Idea Eroded College Access for the Poor free
Putting Poor People to Work: How the Work-First Idea Eroded College Access for the Poor ebook
Putting Poor People to Work: How the Work-First Idea Eroded College Access for the Poor ebook pdf epub mobi

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